I have a thought that it wouldnt take a long time for the ever growing tamil language to set its foot on the currently hot IT industry. We could expect some announcement like "IT exemption for all the software professionals who code in tamil", "Professional tax waived off for the Tamil programmers", "Free houses for the techies who develop products in Tamil". I wouldnt be amused to hear something like these.. Everybody be prepared and train rigorously to code in tamil. Grab the opportunity with both the hands and enjoy all the soaring benefits. Its predicted that soon the our tamil software will spread its wings to all parts of the world and we all might get a long onsite trip to foreign lands. Wherever you go, tamil will be there to safagaurd you.
I would like to keep myself prepared for the upcoming tamil wave and get myself benifitted from all these special discounts. Hence, i have already started to develop programs in tamil and here is one sample piece.
The following is the original java program,
public class Project
public static void main(String args[])
int a;
string b;
b = "Zero";
b = "Non-Zero";
And the following image has the tamil version of the same program.

PS : The image is just a mail forward ( as usual ).